Running Across Florida: My New Year’s Resolution

Running across Florida 2022_The Lupus Loophole

That’s right, there was no typo. My 2022 New Year’s Resolution is to run across the state of Florida! 

Virtually of course. 

Maybe you’re thinking “Oh no, not another New Year’s Resolution.”

I know, I know. It’s that time of year again where everyone proclaims their New Year’s Resolution—most often it’s something related to physical self-improvement like weight loss, getting into shape, or eating healthy. The gyms get full and people are trying new diets to drop those extra holiday pounds. And more times than not, most resolutions die by February.

So what makes me think I’m going to be any different?

I don’t. 

I guess at the end of the day I don’t really know if I’ll be able to complete it but I do feel like I have some pretty big motivational factors that will help keep me on track (but I’ll get to those in a little bit).

Bianca as a child stuffing her face with pizza_lupusloophole
Toddler me… need I say more?

Resolutions: Pre-Lupus Diagnosis

I won’t lie, pre-lupus diagnosis, I was like most people when it came to declaring my New Year’s Resolution.

I have ALWAYS loved eating (I can’t emphasize this enough). So naturally growing up in a Portuguese household where food is love and love is food, I was always a chubby child and teenager. 

Going back to pre-lupus diagnosis, my New Year’s Resolutions were typically about me trying to lose weight – either through some sort of exercise or diet plan. But my love for food always outweighed my motivation and my resolution too went out the window in no time. 

Resolutions: Post-Lupus Diagnosis

For me, a New Year’s Resolution is no longer about losing weight or starting a new diet. I now use my New Year’s Resolution as motivation to improve my lupus health… or at least to keep it stable. 

I now use my New Year’s Resolution as motivation to improve my lupus health… or at least to keep it stable.

Why Running?

If you read my What is the Lupus Loophole post, you know that I consider running to be my best loophole.

To me, a loophole is something I’ve incorporated into my life that brings me joy and has a positive impact. My loopholes help me live with, instead of against, my lupus. 

Orlando (my fiance) and I started running in 2018. I can guarantee you that neither of us could have ever imagined how much we would grow to love it nor the positive impact it would have on our lives (especially with me and my lupus).

Running meme what people think I do versus what I do_lupus loophole

With both of us starting this new hobby together, we kept each other motivated and accountable. And in no time, we became obsessed with running and how good it made us feel (not so much the feeling while running, but after we finished).

But I found that over time, running gave me so many health benefits. The benefits took time to develop and in the beginning, I had to start really slow—in my speed, the number of miles I did, and the importance (seriously I can not stress this last one enough) of incorporating more rest days than running.  

Fun fact: I got tricked by my friend to join cross-country in high school. I did it for a few months and hated it… probably because it hurt my ego to always finish dead last on my team (no joke, always last).

Impact of COVID

In 2019, the year prior to COVID, I had been at my running “prime”. That year I completed a total of 645 miles! 

I felt so proud of myself. 

In 2020, my Resolution was to beat my 2019 miles but unfortunately, once COVID hit, I started to lose touch with running. 

Last year (wow where did 2021 go?), I tried to get back into running a little but have been struggling to keep up with it. 

My 2022 Resolution: The Details

So for my 2022 Resolution, I want to get back into running and reap the many benefits it once brought me (oh, and secretly maybe just a little for my inner chubby child to be able to eat to her heart’s content).

Map of Key Largo to Jacksonville FL_lupus loophole
My route from start to finish!

As much as I’d love to revisit my 2020 Resolution of completing 645+ miles, I have no delusions that I’m in the same place I once was. 

I know that pushing my body too hard with running can also cause a flare (I should know, I’ve done it enough times though it doesn’t mean I’ve learned my lesson), so I know I need to ease my way back into running. 

Instead, my 2022 Resolution is to run 406 miles by the end of the year, which according to Google Maps, is the equivalent of running across the state of Florida—from Key Largo to Jacksonville. 

Doing this Resolution for my health should be enough motivation but as an added “push,” I hope that by declaring this resolution to you all, I’ll have to keep myself accountable.

Starting My Resolution

Although I’m really excited about this challenge for myself, I know this is not going to be easy.

Here we are, already close to the end of January and I’m still recovering from a flare that started last month during the holidays (I developed pleurisy aka inflammation of the lining of the lungs which means no running whatsoever until it clears).

So I won’t lie, I’m a bit nervous.

But I hope with the support of my family, friends, and YOU the lupus community, I can reach my goal! 

Keeping you in the Loop

Join Me!
I plan on checking in here every few months but you can also follow my progress a little more frequently on Instagram.

If anyone is interested in joining me virtually for my run across Florida, I’d love the “company”(even if it’s only to walk a few miles)!

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    […] of running across my home state of Florida – from Key Largo to Jacksonville (read my “Running Across Florida: My New Year’s Resolution” if you want the full […]

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