Pokemon Crochet Beanie

After seeing how good (ok I’m obviously a little biased) my 90s Crochet Bucket Hat turned out, I needed another crochet project ASAP.

I don’t know exactly how it happened, but next thing I know, I’ve committed to making Orlando a Pokemon beanie (backstory, Orlando is completely into everything retro these days… tv shows, video games, consoles, you name it).

On top of this, I’ve also committed to making it for his 35th birthday… which was 3 days away! Despite his proclamations that I didn’t need to finish it by then, I was determined to finish it in time for his birthday.

Day and night, I was like a little crochet-machine.

I finished it just in time and I was really happy how it turned out!

Fun fact: This beanie was made using the same pattern as my 90s Bucket Hat except I didn’t add a brim.

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